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I started working with people in 2007, around my neighborhood by holding "Heart Chakra" evenings, wrote a blog and then started on Youtube in 2014.  The general Twin Flame awakening and Path is very similar to each other, but YOU are Unique in all of existence!

Do you have questions about your Twin Flame Ascension, Energy experiences, Music Messages, Guidance, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, what you should heal? 

Do you wonder what you should be doing to "Do the Work"? are you tired of chasing those shadows and having "readings" which get you nowhere? 

Are you feeling  "WOKE BUT BROKEN"  in any way? 

Are you bored with readings, and tarot cards, conspiracy theories ?  We love to make you FEEL THE LOVE!

You are in the right place! 

Write me your questions to Patricia at

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Couple by the Beach

This is about your Love Story, an eternal loving ride!

We Get it.   Its crazy, but you're not crazy.  Its wild, like a roller coaster.  But you really dont want to ride it!  Its a can self improve but you feel awful at times!  You feel love, but it runs away.....
But if you look at it like this,  why would your soul want to carry around, all the "mind trash", beliefs and non love?  Right?  so, lets get you feeling the love, and feeling good, feel 5D, through your Etheric Twin Flame Body!

Contact Me

I am always seeking to meet new people who have been seeking real answers and transformation in their life!

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